Stewardship Givers - Avery Labels 5160
Purpose: This report gives you Avery mailing labels (Code: 5160 - 30 per page) for all givers with gifts within the selected date range. This report is designed specifically to be printed from Citrix, which shrinks the page down a little.
Management Use: Use this report to automatically create mailing labels for all givers with gifts within the selected date range.
Parameter/Filters: This report allows you to filter by:
- Start Date
- End Date
- Use NSS
- Command
View/Email Options: This report allows you to:
- View the Report on the Screen
- Email the Report to yourself or others
If you are at a Corps, you'll only have access to your Corps information.
Output Fields: This report creates the mailing labels.
- Name(s) of Giver (and addressed properly with Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc., as inputted into the system)
- Street Address
- City, State & Zip
If the report you run shows names, right-click anywhere on the report for additional options.