Donor Advice - Detailed
Purpose: This report will be used by Finance to review the income received prior to getting ready to finalizing the meeting and depositing the funds.
Management Use: Validate the data prior to depositing the money and using the 'Deposit Advice - Summary' form
Parameter/Filters: This report allows you to filter by:
- Start Date
- End Date
- **click Use NSS** link to change to the closet NSS date range
- Command
- Unit
View/Email Options: This report allows you to:
- View the Report on the Screen
- Email the Report to yourself or others
If you are at a Corps, you'll only have access to your Corps information.
Output Fields: This report provides the user with a report that includes the following information:
Command & Unit Name
Gift Date
1. Unit Name
2. Giver Name
3. Check # (can be blank)
4. Gift Amount
5. Fund Name
6. Fund
7. Dept.
8. Object
9. Sub-Code (if relevant)
10. Reviewer Notes (blank can be used when printed)
If the report you run shows data, right-click anywhere on the report for additional options.