How to Request Awards
Within Troops and Corps Cadets:
Click, Current Troop Membership
The following screen opens:
- Point and double click a members name to open their record.
The following screen opens and click on Awards:
- Unit = Automatically populates from Unit selected at the main Troop Hub selection. This may also auto-populate from the Unit you are associated with.
- Troop Type = This is a drop-down filter to limit the troop list to a specific type (i.e., Adventure Corps Explorers, Adventure Corps Rangers, etc.).
- Person = Name of person selected on previous screen.
- Start Date = Date the membership began.
- End Date = Date the membership ends.
- Notes = Observations pertaining to individual.
- Troop Role = Select from the pull-down menu one of the following selections: Assistant Leader, Chaplain, Committee Chairman, Committee Leader, Committee Secretary, Leader or Member. Click Official Roll after selection.
- Search for people = enter the person's name and click the search icon.
- Toggle Awards = by All, Not Achieved Only & Achieved Only
- Click, Add and the following screen opens and complete the following information:
- Award = This is a drop-down filter to limit the award list (i.e., Academic Achievement Award, Divisional Commander's Award, etc.).
- Date Earned = Date Award achieved.
- Description = Input details of Award achieved.
- Submission = Once form completed click Submit to DHQ. (Withdraw Submission will appear in place of Submit to DHQ, once clicked)
- Submission Note = Explanation of why award submitted.
- Click, Save
The next screen will then populate with the updated Award information, click Save.
The updated award information will also populate on the main Members screen.