How to Request Awards

Within Troops and Corps Cadets:

Click, Current Troop Membership


The following screen opens:

  • Point and double click a members name to open their record.  

The following screen opens and click on Awards:

  1. Unit = Automatically populates from Unit selected at the main Troop Hub selection. This may  also auto-populate from the Unit you are associated with.
  2. Troop Type = This is a drop-down filter  to limit the troop list to a specific type (i.e., Adventure Corps Explorers, Adventure Corps Rangers, etc.).
  3. Person = Name of person selected on previous screen.
  4. Start Date = Date the membership began.
  5. End Date = Date the membership ends.
  6. Notes = Observations pertaining to individual.
  7. Troop Role = Select from the pull-down menu one of the following selections: Assistant Leader, Chaplain, Committee Chairman, Committee Leader, Committee Secretary, Leader or Member. Click Official Roll after selection.
  8. Search for people = enter the person's name and click the search icon.
  9. Toggle Awards = by All, Not Achieved Only & Achieved Only


  1. Click, Add and the following screen opens and complete the following information:
  2. Award = This is a drop-down filter to limit the award list (i.e., Academic Achievement Award, Divisional Commander's Award, etc.).
  3. Date Earned = Date Award achieved.
  4. Description = Input details of Award achieved.
  5. Submission = Once form completed click Submit to DHQ. (Withdraw Submission will appear in place of Submit to DHQ, once clicked)
  6. Submission Note = Explanation of why award submitted.
  7. Click, Save


The next screen will then populate with the updated Award information, click Save.


The updated award information will also populate on the main Members screen.