How to Associate 1st Time Gifts to a Corps Member Record
Description: Each time a 1st time gift comes to an Eastern Territory corps, someone needs to manually associate the gift to the Corps Management record in the Corps Management Database (CMD).
Management Use: Use this instructions to understand the steps needed to associate a new gift to a CMD record.
NOTE: if a tither gives a different to 2+ corps, each corps will need to have a separate gift record (associated to their corps), in the Corps Management Database. In CMD, records are not shared.
For example, if Bibby Melloncamp made a $10 tithe to Lexington KY and a $15 tithe to Lowell, MA, then each of the two corps will need to have a gift record in CMD for Bibby. Then each time Bibby makes a tithe using in to Lexington (or Lowell), the correct gift record will be updated. This separation allows for individual year-end giving statements.
1. Click Gifts button on the main menu
2. Select the Command and Unit that you want to review (note: Corps will only see their corps data)
3. Click a tithe in the list to associate a gift to a CMD record. A new screen will appear.
4. Follow the wizard to associate a Meeting the donation should be associated to, a Fund, and a Giver record. Complete Step 1: Connect this gift to a meeting

If the correct Sunday meeting does not have an option in the drop down you can Create a new meeting. Its important to associate the meeting to the correct sunday meeting to faciliate reconciliation. The Sunday AFTER the gift comes in should be used.

5. Click Next when complete.
6. Complete Step 2: Connect this gift to a fund. Use the Gift Matching information from the LEFT side (which comes from to associate to the correct fund. Three funds are available:
- Cartridge
- Harvest Festival
- World Services

7. Click Next
8. Complete Step 3: Connect this gift to a giver (the individual record in CMD that is used to consolidate giving). Use the Gift Matching information from the LEFT side (which comes from to associate to find the correct person.

If the correct person does not have an option in the drop down you can Create New Giver.

9. Click Next
10. You're done! Click Finish