Household Addresses - Excel Export
Purpose: This report gives you the ability to print a list of addresses for all of the people who are actively on your rolls for the given enrollment type.
Management Use: Easily and quickly receive a list of addresses without having to hand write their names and addresses. If you know how to do mail merges in Word, you can use this excel document to generate personalized letters.
Parameter/Filters: This report allows you to filter by:
- Command
- Unit
- Enrollment
View/Email Options: This report allows you to:
- View the Report on the Screen
- Email the Report to yourself or others
If you are at a Corps, you'll only have access to your Corps information.
Output Fields: This report provides the user with an excel report that includes the following information:
1. Household Name
2. Address Line 1
3. City
4. State
5. Zip Code
If the report you run shows names, right-click anywhere on the report for additional options.