Step # 4 - Edit, Delete or Inactivate an Existing Commission
This screen allows you to view all current Commissions throughout the system through several filters.
- Command/Unit = If you are a Corps Officer or employee, the Command and Unit will be defaulted for you (if you are at DHQ or THQ, these will appear as drop-down lists).
- Enrollment = This is a drop-down filter to limit the commission list to a specific type (i.e., prospect, attendee, friend, cradle roll, junior recruit, recruit, jr. soldier, sr. soldier, adherent, transfer, advisory board member and other).
- Category = This is a drop-down filter to limit the commission categories (i.e., all, music, other, women's ministry and youth).
- Filter by Name = Enter a full or partial first or last name to narrow the list of givers.
- Toggle between 'active', 'inactive', or 'all' users to narrow the list of givers.
- Edit Person = make updates to a person's member profile as needed
- Add = add a person to a specific group
- Edit = change an individual's group affiliation
- Delete = remove someone from that particular group
- Inactivate = inactivate their Group Membership
This screen also allows you to Edit an individual's Profile, Add, Edit or Delete a command and Inactivate them from a certain Command. For this purpose, we are going to concentrate on Editing a Person.
Edit an Existing Commission
Point your mouse and double click the individual you need to edit their commission. The following screens appears:
Edit the information accordingly:
- Corps = This is the category automatically populates for the Corps.
- Person = This is a drop-down filter to select the individual name.
- Commission* = This is a drop-down filter to limit the name of commission (i.e., Adventure Corps Committee Member, Adventure Corps Coordinator, etc.).
- Type = This is a drop-down filter to limit t he type of commission (i.e., Commissioned, Acting and Warranted).
- Start Date = This is a drop-down menu to populate the calendar.
- End Date = Enter the appropriate end date.
- Date Approved = Enter the appropriate date approved.
- Approved by = Enter the approved by name.
- Click Save
*Required Field
If you make a selection that is Not Allowed, a pop-up will inform you.
Delete or Inactivate an Existing Commission for a Member
To 9)Delete or 10)Inactivate a person from a Member Group, please click on their name and select Delete or Inactivate on the bottom right of page. Please note, if you select Delete you will receive a pop-up reconfirming that you would like to Delete this person from the group. If you select Inactivate, the system will not ask you to confirm Inactivation, the change will be made automatically.