Stewardship Giver Letter

Purpose:  This report provides the ability to generate a letter to giver(s) for a specific date range.

Management Use:  Use this report to generate end of year letter or other ad-hoc letters to givers.

Parameter/Filters:  This report allows you to filter by:

  1. Start Date
  2. End Date
  3. **click Use NSS** link to change to the closet NSS date range
  4. Command
  5. Unit
  6. Funds (you select the specific fund types you want to include/exclude)


View/Email Options:  This report allows you to:

  1. View the Report on the Screen
  2. Email the Report to yourself or others

If you are at a Corps, you'll only have access to your Corps information.

Before you can get to the report, the system will provide pop-up questions for you to answer:  

 Use the standardized letterhead in the report - check box to include

Include the word "Dear" before the giver name - check box to include

Include a space for a wet signature above the signature line - check box to include

Show the gift total only (no fund detail) - check box to include

Include the footer message entered below - check box to include

Introduction Text:

Closing Text:

Signature Line:

Once you have entered the information, click View report

Output Fields:  This report provides the user with a letter to givers.  To change any of the information selected in the previous step, you'll need to close out the report and start over.

If the questions answers are still not getting you the personalized letter you desire, export the information and do the letter as a mail merge.

If the report you run shows data, right-click anywhere on the report for additional options.

To email the report, click Email Report

The following screen appears and adjust accordingly as directed above and click View Report.

The following pop-up screen appears. Enter the Email Address and adjust the Subject and Message body if need be and click Send Email.