How to Reconcile to the Bank
All corps are linked to a Divisional bank account and therefore, DHQ Finance staff will reconcile to the bank for the full division. This should be done on a bi-weekly basis so that corps funding occurs on a bi-weekly basis. You'll use reports in CMD to reconcile the donations
Steps to Reconcile:
1. Sign onto Corps Management Database (CMD)
2. Click into the Corps Management icon in Citrix
3. Once your in CMD, click the View Reports button
4. Open the Report
- Scroll down and click into the Tithely Batch Details for Finance Report
- Enter the dates you want to reconcile
- Since you'll be reconciling for all corps within the division, leave the Corps field set to ALL
- Click View Report
- After the Reconciliation is complete, either Finalize the Meeting in CMD or notify the Corps Officer to Finalize the meeting.
To see a list of tithes in that do not have a deposit date, refer to this article: