How to Reconcile to the Bank

All corps are linked to a Divisional bank account and therefore, DHQ Finance staff will reconcile to the bank for the full division.  This should be done on a bi-weekly basis so that corps funding occurs on a bi-weekly basis.  You'll use reports in CMD to reconcile the donations


Steps to Reconcile:

1. Sign onto Corps Management Database (CMD)

2. Click into the Corps Management icon in Citrix

Snipping Tool

3. Once your in CMD, click the View Reports button

4. Open the Report

  1. Scroll down and click into the Tithely Batch Details for Finance Report
  2. Enter the dates you want to reconcile
  3. Since you'll be reconciling for all corps within the division, leave the Corps field set to ALL
  4. Click View Report
  5. After the Reconciliation is complete, either Finalize the Meeting in CMD or notify the Corps Officer to Finalize the meeting.

To see a list of tithes in that do not have a deposit date, refer to this article: