IT User Knowledge BaseAdditional ArticlesCorps ManagementGroup MembershipStep # 5 - Edit and Add Members to an Existing Group / Edit and Add a Member to the Group / Delete or Inactivate a Person from a Member Group

Step # 5 - Edit and Add Members to an Existing Group / Edit and Add a Member to the Group / Delete or Inactivate a Person from a Member Group

This screen will allow you to edit an "Existing Group's" information:

  1. Command/Unit = If you are a Corps  Officer or employee, the Command and Unit will be defaulted for you (if  you are at DHQ or THQ, these will appear as drop-down lists)
  2. Enrollment = This is a drop-down filter to  limit the member list to a specific enrollment type (prospect, cradle  roll, recruit, senior soldier, etc).
  3. NSS Meeting Type = This is a drop-down filter to limit the meeting type (Adult Group, Adult Spiritual Development, etc.).
  4. Attendance Group = Current selection is Any/All Groups, no further options at this time. We are able to add people who are enrolled at different corps as group members, Home League Members, and troop members. This allows us to support the case where a girl is enrolled as a Jr. Soldier in Pasadena, but attends Girl Guards in Torrance. To do so, you need to change the Attendance Group Name before clicking Add.
  5. Add a group or Remove a group
  6. Edit Person = make updates to a person's member profile as needed
  7. Add = add a person to a specific group
  8. Edit = change an individual's group affiliation
  9. Delete = remove someone from that particular group
  10. Inactivate = inactivate their Group Membership

Edit a Person's Profile

If you would like to Edit a particular person's profile, please either click on their name and select 6)Edit Person or double click on their name.  You will then be brought back to the Member page and you may make changes accordingly. Please see Article:

Add a Member to the Group

If you would like to 7)Add a member to a group, click Add and the following screen will open:

Click the down arrow and a drop-down filter will appear with name selections. Click on the appropriate name and click save.  

Edit a Member Group

To 8)Edit a member Group, please either click on their name and select Edit or Add or double click on their name.  Once you are in the Group account, please enter/edit the information accordingly.  

Delete or Inactivate a Person from a Member Group

To 9)Delete or 10)Inactivate a person from a Member Group, please click on their name and select Delete or Inactivate on the bottom right of page.  Please note, if you select Delete you will receive a pop-up reconfirming that you would like to Delete this person from the group.   If you select Inactivate, the system will not ask you to confirm Inactivation, the change will be made automatically.