How to Register, Edit and Delete a Troop

How to Register a Troop

Within Troops and Corps Cadets:

Click, Troop Registration  

NOTE: DHQ users will create Troop awards, receive awards, and submit awards to THQ.  

The following screen opens:

  1. Command/Unit = Automatically populates from the Command and Unit selected at the main Troop Hub selection. This may also auto-populate from the Command and Unit you are associated with.
  2. Troop Type = This is a drop-down filter to limit the troop list to a specific type (i.e., Adventure Corps Explorers, Adventure Corps Rangers, etc.).
  3. Approval Status = This is a drop-down filter to view the approval status (i.e., Ready For Renewal, Submitted To DHQ, Approved By DHQ or Approved By THQ ).
  4. DHQ Payment Status or THQ Payment Status = This is a drop-down filter to select one of the following: All, Not Paid, or Paid.
  5. Program End Year = This is a drop-down filter to select the appropriate year.
  6. View = Toggle between 'Command' or 'Unit' to add column search within the chart.
  7. Search for people = search for an individual by inputting their name and clicking the magnifying glass
  8. Administrative Tools = Toggle between "Approve Registrations" and "Receive Payments" and Approval Level of DHQ & THQ with "Approve Selected" or "Approve All"
  9. Print Billing Summary = By clicking here a report automatically generates the Troop Membership Billing Summary
  10. Text Filter = Enter a portion of what you are searching and the chart will reflect your search.
  11. Toggle between 'active,' 'inactive' or 'all' users to narrow the list of members.  

Click, Add a Troop and register with THQ and enter the following information:

  1. Command/Unit= Automatically populates from the Command and Unit selected at the main Troop Hub selection. This may also auto-populate from the Command and Unit you are associated with.
  2. Troop Type = This is a drop-down filter to limit the troop list to a specific type (i.e., Adventure Corps Explorers, Adventure Corps Rangers, etc.).
  3. Click, Next


Enter the following information:

  1. Troop Number
  2. Click, Save
  1. Register for 2018-2019 (auto-populates with current year) with THQ = To register the Troop and to complete the questionnaire

The next screen allows you to do the following:

  1. Remove Person = removing an individual from the Troop
  2. Add leaders and adults to this troop
  3. Add a member to this troop
  1. After clicking Add leaders and adults to the this troop, the following screen pop-ups. Fill out accordingly and save. The add leader or adult is now added to the troop.
  1. After clicking Add a member to this troop, the following screen pop-ups. Fill out accordingly and save. The add leader or adult is now added to the troop. Note: the Troop Role is not editable and will automatically populate to Member.

Once you have added the leaders, adults and members to this troop click, Next.

NOTE: I did not continue with directions since the #2 prompt for Complete Questions is not active at this time.

The added Troop populates in the full listing for the selected Command and Unit:

How to Edit a Troop

Click, Troop Registration  


The next screen opens:

  • Select the Troop you would like to edit, point and double click your selection or point and click "Edit Troop/Registration."  

This screen will allow you to edit:

  1. Troop Name
  2. Troop Number
  3. Click, Save

Once a Troop is Approved by THQ

When editing a Troop, the following screen appears Once a Troop is Approved by THQ:

How to Delete a Troop

Click, Troop Registration


The next screen opens:

  • Select the Troop you would like to delete. Point and double click your selection or point and click "Delete Troop Record."  

Click Yes or No to confirm the action.