Step # 2 - Review Follow-ups and Reminders
This screen will allow you to to view "Follow-up" and "Reminders" by:
- Person Name = Provides full name as inputted in the system.
- Reason for Follow-up = Title of follow-up item.
- Due Date = Date follow-up item should be addressed.
- View Person = The pop-up screen provides a complete demographic profile of the individual.
- Add Follow-up = Create a new follow-up.
- Edit Follow-up = Edit a current follow-up.
- Delete Follow-up = Removes a follow-up. Once removed it is deleted from the system permanently.
- Complete Follow-up = Once complete, the follow-up is removed from the follow-up list.

To view an individual Follow-up point your mouse to the particular follow-up item and double click to open the follow-up.

You'll notice that you are brought back to the same view you had in Corps Rolls.