Step # 4 - Edit a Giver Record
This screen will allow you to EDIT information on a household record (Giver Record) listed, by:
1. Double-click a household to open the record, or
2. Highlight the household and click the Edit button

The following screen appears and update the fields as needed:
- Active = Make sure the record is checked active, otherwise it will be handled as an 'inactive' record
- Title = Enter "Mr.," "Mrs." if the record is for an individual only; otherwise, leave it blank
- Look-up Name = For consistency, enter the persons last name and then first name (Smith, Bob). This way it sorts correctly
- Mailing Name =The name that the household wants to be addressed as "Smith Family"
- Street Address = The mailing address for the household / City, State Zip = The information associated with the mailing address
- Cartridge Number = enter if relevant
- Email = primary email address for the household
- Save = click save to save your work

Be sure to save your work!
Disconnection Alert
If you have a Giver record that is not connected to a member within the Corps Rolls section, an alert will appear.
1. Look at the Connections column to see which Giver has 0 connection.
2. Open the record and check the person(s) that the Giver record is associated to.

To Modify/Edit a Specific Meeting
Select the meeting you'd like to modify/edit. Either double click or click Jump to Meeting. A warning pop-up will appear and click, Yes.
The following screen appears and allows you to modify a specific meeting once you open a Giver and select the meeting. Additional screenshots and steps will appear below the numbered list:
- Meeting Type =pull-down menu providing all the meeting options
- Attendance Group = pull-down menu with only the option of "All"
- NSS Option Code =pull-down menu providing all the NSS Option Codes available
- Meeting Title = non-editable area that auto-populates from the Meeting Type and NSS Option Code
- When =non-editable area that auto-populates from the origination
- Location Name =non-editable area that auto-populates from the origination
- Street Address, City, State & Zip =non-editable area that auto-populates from the origination
- Description Area = optional section to enter a detailed description of the meeting
- NSS Stats = provides the area to input the quantities for: Volunteers, Volunteer Hours, Meals Served, Snacks Provided and Gifts Distributed
- Attendance List = the toggle between Show all corps members & Only show people who are actively involved populates the Attendance Lilst
- Anonymous Attendees = provides the quantities for: Named attendees and Total attendees populates by the Attendance List
- Toggle between Show all corps members & Only show people who are actively involved
- View / Record Stewardship =a new screen entitled, Stewardship, appears and allows you to Edit/Delete Gift, Add Gift and Unfinalize Meeting (Further directions below)
- Record Seekers = a new screen entitled, Seeker list, appears and allows you to select individual names (Further directions below)
- Add somebody to this list =a new pop-up appears where you can search the database by First Name, Last Name (Further directions below)
- Description Area = optional section to enter a detailed description of the meeting as well as attendance information. Appears to replicate in the previous mentioned Description Area.
- Stewardship Summary Report =a Stewardship Summary by Meeting auto-populates by the information inputted. Categories include: Stewardship Summary, Remarks Summary, Breakdown by Fund and Adjustment Summary. From here you can save or print. (Further directions below)
View / Record Stewardship =a new screen entitled, Stewardship, appears and allows you to Edit/Delete Gift, Add Gift and Unfinalize Meeting. Within the Stewardship screen you can view the list of givers by sorting in alphabetical order, amount and remarks. Depending how you would like sort, click within the title box and the the sort character will appear.
Edit/Delete Gift = select the gift to edit/delete and click the Edit/Delete Gift button and a pop-up screen appears with editing capability. Make your changes within the Remarks and Fund(s) boxes and and click, Save.

Add Gift = to add a new gift click Add Gift button and and a pop-up screen appears with the following options:
- Toggle between Active givers only and Both active and inactive givers
- Giver = select a giver from the drop-down menu or add a new giver by clicking the plus sign
- Choose Fund(s) = The funds already designated populate in this area and you can adjust the dollar amount if necessary.
NOTE: When editing gifts post finalization, the total stewardship is also updated.

Unfinalize Meeting = click the Unfinalize Meeting button and and a pop-up screen appears to indicate the meeting has been unfinalized. Click OK.

From here a new selection is added, Stewardship Entry Wizard

By selecting Stewardship Entry Wizard the editable Record Stewardship screen appears. Once you make your changes click Finalize this Meeting.
Record Seekers = a new screen entitled, Seeker list, appears and allows you to select individual names. Once selections are made (you are able to select more than one) click, Save.

Add somebody to this list =a new pop-up appears where you can search the database by First Name, Last Name.

Enter First Name and Last Name and click Search the database and your search results will appear in a new pop-up window. If the search is the person you are looking for, click Select Person.

If the search does not locate the individual, click New Person and add the individual information and click, Save.

- Stewardship Summary Report =a Stewardship Summary by Meeting auto-populates by the information inputted. Categories include: Stewardship Summary, Remarks Summary, Breakdown by Fund and Adjustment Summary. From here you can save or print.