Corps Review Worksheet - Recruit

Purpose:  This report provides a list of people who are on your active rolls for the given enrollment type (Recruit).

Management Use:  Use this report to review important information to during the corps review.

Parameter/Filters:  This report allows you to filter by:

  1. Command
  2. Unit

View/Email Options:  This report allows you to:

  1. View the Report on the Screen
  2. Email the Report to yourself or others

If you are at a Corps, you'll only have access to your Corps information.

Output Fields:  This report provides the user with a report that includes the following information:

1. Last Name

2. First Name

3. Age

4. Enrollment Date

5. Actively Participating

6. Wears Uniform

7. Pending Removal

8. Remove

9. Become Sr. Soldier

10. Become Adherent

11. Visitation


If the report you run shows names, right-click anywhere on the report for additional options.