How to View Emblems
Within Troops and Corps Cadets:
Click, Manage Troop Emblems
The following screen appears and you can view current "Troop Emblems" though several filters:
- Command/Unit = If you are a Corps Officer or employee, the Command and Unit will be defaulted for you (if you are at DHQ or THQ, these will appear as drop-down lists).
- Troop Type = This is a drop-down filter to limit the Troop Type list (i.e., Adventure Corps Explorers, Adventure Corps Rangers, etc.).
- Emblem Status = This is a drop-down filter to limit the emblem status to a specific type (i.e., Read to Submit, Submitted to DHQ, Approved by DHQ and Sent to Corps) .
- Search for people = enter the person's name and click the search icon.
- Program Year = This is a drop-down filter to select "Any Year" or the appropriate year.
- Historical Status = Allows the user to filter emblems by their historical status.
- Emblems = Once your selections are made, you will receive a breakdown of Records for the Troop Emblems. Further Sorting Capability = By clicking a category heading below Emblems, the chart can be sorted by Troop Type, Name, Enrollment, Emblem, Stretch, Approval Status and Status Date.
- Toggle between 'Show Command' or 'Show Unit' to add column search within the chart.
- Text Filter = Enter a portion of what you are searching and the chart will reflect your search.
- Toggle between Mail, Don't Mail or All for further viewing options.
- Print Emblem Report = By clicking on Print Emblem Report, you must select from the Troop Type what troop you'd like to print a report for.
- Add an Emblem = By clicking on Add an Emblem, a pop-up screen appears with the ability to add the type of Emblem, Date Completed, Stretch Date, Description and click your member selection. Click Save once information completed.
- View Emblem = By clicking on View Emblem, a pop-up screen appears with the individual details in regards to a specific Emblem. See below, second image.
- Delete Emblem = By clicking on Delete Emblem, a pop-up screen appears to verify if you would like to delete this particular emblem.
Print Emblem Report
Select the emblem you would like to print and click Print Emblem Report and a report will generate similar to the below:
Add an Emblem
To Add an Emblem to a specific troop member, select the Troop Type and click Add an Emblem. Complete the following information:
- Emblem = select from the pull-down menu.
- Date Completed = select date from the pull-down calendar.
- Stretch Date = select date from the pull-down calendar.
- Description = enter pertinent information.
- Select one or more troop members to receive the emblem = click the check boxes accordingly.
- Click Save
View an Emblem
View of an individual details in regards to a specific Emblem. Please note this is a non-editable area. Click on View Emblem and the following screens appears.
- Emblem = Name of Emblem.
- Date Completed = Date achieved Emblem.
- Mail this Emblem = Click as to whether or not the emblem should be mailed.
- Reach for the Stars = Select appropriate date.
- Description = Input details of Emblem achieved.
- Status = Whether or not approved.
- Submission = Submission Date, Submitted by, and Submission Note.
Click Save if information updated or Back, once information is viewed.