How to View Emblems

Within Troops and Corps Cadets:

Click, Manage Troop Emblems


The following screen appears and you can view current "Troop Emblems" though several filters:

  1. Command/Unit = If you are a Corps Officer or employee, the Command and Unit will be   defaulted for you (if you are at DHQ or THQ, these will appear as   drop-down lists).
  2. Troop Type = This is a drop-down filter to limit the Troop Type list (i.e., Adventure Corps Explorers, Adventure Corps Rangers, etc.).
  3. Emblem Status = This is a drop-down filter to limit the emblem status to a specific type (i.e., Read to Submit, Submitted to DHQ, Approved by DHQ and Sent to Corps) .
  4. Search for people = enter the person's name and click the search icon.
  5. Program Year = This is a drop-down filter to select "Any Year" or the appropriate year.
  6. Historical Status = Allows the user to filter emblems by their historical status.
  7. Emblems = Once your selections are made, you will receive a breakdown of Records for the Troop Emblems. Further Sorting Capability = By clicking a category heading below Emblems, the chart can be sorted by Troop Type, Name, Enrollment, Emblem, Stretch, Approval Status and Status Date.
  8. Toggle between 'Show Command' or 'Show Unit' to add column search within the chart.
  9. Text Filter = Enter a portion of what you are searching and the chart will reflect your search.
  10. Toggle between Mail, Don't Mail or All for further viewing options.
  11. Print Emblem Report = By clicking on Print Emblem Report, you must select from the Troop Type what troop you'd like to print a report for.
  12. Add an Emblem = By clicking on Add an Emblem, a pop-up screen appears with the ability to add the type of Emblem, Date Completed, Stretch Date, Description and click your member selection. Click Save once information completed.
  13. View Emblem = By clicking on View Emblem, a pop-up screen appears with the individual details in regards to a specific Emblem. See below, second image.  
  14. Delete Emblem = By clicking on Delete Emblem, a pop-up screen appears to verify if you would like to delete this particular emblem.

Select the emblem you would like to print and click Print Emblem Report and a report will generate similar to the below:

Add an Emblem

To Add an Emblem to a specific troop member, select the Troop Type and click Add an Emblem. Complete the following information:

  1. Emblem = select from the pull-down menu.
  2. Date Completed = select date from the pull-down calendar.
  3. Stretch Date = select date from the pull-down calendar.
  4. Description = enter pertinent information.
  5. Select one or more troop members to receive the emblem = click the check boxes accordingly.
  6. Click Save

View an Emblem

View of an individual details in regards to a specific Emblem. Please note this is a non-editable area. Click on View Emblem and the following screens appears.

  1. Emblem = Name of Emblem.
  2. Date Completed = Date achieved Emblem.
  3. Mail this Emblem = Click as to whether or not the emblem should be mailed.
  4. Reach for the Stars = Select appropriate date.
  5. Description = Input details of Emblem achieved.
  6. Status = Whether or not approved.
  7. Submission = Submission Date, Submitted by, and Submission Note.

Click Save if information updated or Back, once information is viewed.

Delete an Emblem

By clicking on Delete Emblem, the following pop-up screen appears to verify if you do indeed want to delete. Select, Yes or No.

Use caution when using this feature.