How to Add and Edit Members to a Troop (that exist in system)
How to Add Members to a Troop
Within Troops and Corps Cadets:
Click, Current Troop Membership

The following screen opens:
- Command/Unit = Automatically populates from the Command and Unit selected at the main Troop Hub selection. This may also auto-populate from the Command and Unit you are associated with.
- Troop Type = This is a drop-down filter to limit the troop list to a specific type (i.e., Adventure Corps Explorers, Adventure Corps Rangers, etc.).
- Enrollment Type = This is a drop-down filter to limit the enrollment list to a specific type (i.e., Prospect, Attendee, Friend, etc.).
- Search for people = enter the person's name and click the search icon.
- Get an Email List = By clicking this prompt you will receive the following message in a pop-up box "We've put a list of email addresses on your clipboard. Use the paste (or Ctrl + V) to add these recipients to your email message." Click OK to exit.
- Print Attendance Capture Sheet = By clicking this prompt a prepared document will appear in a new window providing you the options of saving and/or printing.
- Toggle between 'Show Command' or 'Show Unit' to add column search within the chart.
- Text Filter = Enter a portion of what you are searching and the chart will reflect your search.
- Toggle between 'active,' 'inactive' or 'all' users to narrow the list of members.
Click, Add a member to this troop.
The following pop-up box appears:
- Click the check box for the member(s) you would like to add.
- Click, Save

How to Edit Members in a Troop
Within Troops and Corps Cadets:
Click, Current Troop Membership

The following screen opens:
- Select the Individual you would like to edit = point and double click your selection or point and click "Edit this person's troop registration record."

This screen will allow you to view the current Troop Membership Record through several filters:
- Unit = Name of unit the individual is a member of (non-editable, populated from your previous individual selection). / Troop Type = Name of troop individual is registered with (non-editable, populated from your previous individual selection). Person = Name of individual (non-editable, populated from your previous individual selection).
- Start Date = Commencement date of their enrollment.
- End Date = if a current member, no end appears. If the member is no longer a member, an end date may be selected.
- Notes = Meaningful entry of observations and experience of member.
- Troop Role = Select from the pull-down menu one of the following selections: Assistant Leader, Chaplain, Committee Chairman, Committee Leader, Committee Secretary, Leader or Member. Click Official Roll after selection.
- Emblems & Awards = Toggle between the two and view details of each category.
- Toggle between "All," "Not Achieved Only" and "Achieved Only"
- You also have the capability to "add," "edit" or "delete" Emblems or Awards information. See below for further instructions.
- Once you have completed the changes, please click Save.
8. How to "add," "edit" or "delete" Emblems information.
Click, Add and the following screen opens.
This screen will allow you to Add an Emblem to the member. Fill out the form accordingly:
- Emblem = This is a drop-down filter to limit the Emblem selection (i.e., 3-D Art, Artist, Aviation, etc.)
- Date Completed = Select completion date from pop-up calendar.
- Mail this Emblem = click check box to mail.
- Stretch Date = Select stretch date from pop-up calendar.
- Description = Provide description of Emblem.
- Submission = Click to submit to DHQ
- Submission Note = Description of pertinent Emblem addition
- Click, Save

Point and Click to the Troop Emblem you would like to Edit.

Click, Edit and the following screen opens.
This screen will allow you to Edit an Emblem to the member. Fill out the form accordingly:
- Emblem = Automatically populates from the previous screen selection.
- Date Completed = Select completion date from pop-up calendar.
- Mail this Emblem = check box to mail.
- Stretch Date = Select stretch date from pop-up calendar.
- Description = Provide description of Emblem.
- Submission Note = Description of pertinent Emblem addition
- Click, Save

Point and Click to the Troop Emblem you would like to Delete.
Click, Delete and the following screen opens:
Click Yes or No to confirm the action.