Step # 8 - Review Corps Calendar (as a calendar view)
To view the Corps calendar, as a calendar, go to Navigate --> Select Corps Calendar.
This screen will allow you to view the current "Corps Calendar" for your Corps through several filters.
NOTE: Don't use your mouse scroll button on the page
There are many ways to search for a meeting
Month View (Default), Week View, or Day View = use these options to change the view of how the meetings display
- Month View gives you a full month view,
- Week View shows meetings during a specific week
- Day View shows meetings for that day only
- Quick Date = Double click any date on the small calendars on the left side of the screen.
- Command/Unit = If you are a Corps Officer or employee, the Command and Unit will be defaulted for you (if you are at DHQ or THQ, these will appear as drop-down menus).
- Within the calendar grid, you can select a particular meeting: = The current day of the week is reflected in a yellow outline and you can double-click a specific time to open that meeting. (note: a new screen opens)

Reviewing a Meeting Entry
This screen will allow you to view the details of the calendar meeting.
NOTE: If you make changes to a meeting entry, be sure to save your work.
Each Meeting can contain the following information.
5. Meeting Details (the what, where and when)
- Meeting Type = This is the category that the meeting falls into. It corresponds to the Line and Definitions manual that you use for Statistics. These are Nationally defined.
- Attendance Group = This is a category that represents an option code also associated with the Line and Definitions manual that you use for Statistics. These are Eastern Territory defined and may even be division/unit specific.
- NSS Option Code = This is a text field that represents the name of the meeting, as the Corps knows it.
- When = This is a date that the meeting is held.
- Location Name = This is the specific location where the meeting is held. If all meetings are held at the Corps building, it can say "Corps Building" or if the Corps wishes to indicate the specific room, that can be entered as well. Discretion is up to the Corps.
- Street Address = the address associated with the location.
- City, State & Zip = the city/state/zip associated with the location.
6. NSS Stats = Enter the total stats for each category for this particular meeting type:
- Volunteers = total number of volunteers worked at this meeting
- Volunteer Hours - total number of volunteer hours worked at this meeting
- Meals Served = total number of meals served at this meeting
- Snacks Provided - total number of snacks provided at this meeting
- Persons Transported = total number of individuals requiring transportation to/from this meeting
- Gifts Distributed = total number of gifts distributed at this meeting
This section is optional but will populate the NSS report if data is entered.
7. Attendance List = Those with a check-mark are people who attended the meeting
8. Anonymous Attendees = In this area you have the capability to filter by "Show all Corps Members" and "Only show people who are actively involved with this meeting type".
9. View/Record Stewardship = This section allow the user to go in and view or record stewardship giving for a household or individual
10. Record Seekers = This section allows the user to go in and associate 'seekers' to this meeting.
11. Add somebody to the list = This section allows the user to go in and quickly add new people to the list of attendees. See below.
Point your mouse to this box and click to open up the "First Name" and "Last Name" and click search the database.

11. Add somebody to the list (continued) = If the individual is NOT located, the following pop-up box appears:
Click Yes, to proceed to the next screen:
- Enter the criteria and click Save.
- The individual then populates to the Attendance List.

If the individual IS located, the following pop-up box appears, click Select Person.
If your search returns an individual with the same name, but is not the individual you are searching for, click New Person.

Within the next screen, you may update and save the new individual: