Meeting Attendees by NSS Meeting Type
Purpose: This report provides a list (non-duplicated) of people who attended one or more meetings of the given meeting type within the date range provided.
Management Use: Use this report to quickly see who is participating in meetings.
Parameter/Filters: This report allows you to filter by:
- Start Date
- End Date
- **click Use NSS** link to change to the closet NSS date range
- Command
- Unit
- Meeting Type
View/Email Options: This report allows you to:
- View the Report on the Screen
- Email the Report to yourself or others
If you are at a Corps, you'll only have access to your Corps information.
Output Fields: This report provides the user with a report that includes the following information:
1. Name
2. Address
3. City
4. State
5. Zip
6. Home Phone
7. Mobile Phone
8. Attendance
9. Total Attendance #
If the report you run shows data, right-click anywhere on the report for additional options.